DELO (Downtown East Louisville)

As the owner, RMCS, sought to create a distinctive streetscape in the new development on the east side of Louisville. They engaged the services of the PCS Group to design the landscape and hardscape elements of the project. Both RMCS and PCS worked closely with H2 Development Services and Colorado Hardscapes to develop the color scheme, the textures, the finishes and the details for each of the areas.  Extensive sampling and mock-ups allowed for review, so all parties were on the same page by the time the actual construction began. In the end, the craftsmanship and continuity of the colors and finishes set this off as a very special streetscape.

Cast-in-place seat walls, retaining walls, and concrete columns received a refined Sandscape® (our premium version of sand finish) finish, incorporating blue and mirror glass into the surface.  Not only are the walls consistent in texture and finish, but they also sparkle as you walk down the street.

Finishes and colors for the flatwork and steps include a traditional broom finish, uncolored Sandscape® finish, colored Sandscape® finish, Sandscape® with black sand added, and Lithocrete® concrete with seeded glass and aggregate.

Installed continuously along the entire two-block length of the street truncated domes for ADA compliance. Following not only the straight portions of the street but also following the radius sections.  Trench drains handle the surface drainage, incorporated between the parking and driving lanes of the street.

Contrasting concrete bands delineate the parking spaces. In the street, paving the joints are sawcut and beveled for both appearance and durability. The long, straight sawcuts contribute to the linear look of the streetscape and the overall quality of the project.